Zoey Deschenel plays Summer, a semi carefree, quirky girl who has this tainted view on love and relationships caused by the divorce of her parents. She meets Tom, a hopeless romantic simp, who I think is a virgin, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The two meet, greet, fuck, and break up. More to it you say? yes. A lot more.
Considering what's been going on in my own life, I seriously connected with this movie, I agreed with the message outcome at the end. You can't depend on fate and the idea of this "soulmate" that you're meant to meet someday. I so strongly disagree because I used to believe in all things working themselves out but after recent events, and past, that myth is busted.
I think the movie is hinting at the fact that there are imperfect relationships out there. Our media, music, movies, TV, saturates our brain with the idea of "soulmates through fate" that we forget that we have real emotions and feelings that can cause a million mind fucks per second. (500) Days of Summer highlighted this theme and portrayed it perfectly with the "reatlity vs. expectations" shot.
You have to make things happen for yourself, you can't sit back and expect the "planets to align" and that special someone is going to randomly text you to meet for a midnight rendezvous @ Starbucks. I believe in this: You control as much as life lets you control, the rest is up to, well, life. I guess it's semi fate and the rest coincidence. If I ever want things to work out with LDR, it's not going to happen under these circumstances. If you love something, let it go. If they come back, have them checked for STDs, and if that goes well, live happily ever after.